Category Archives: Digital Transformation

Decoding Success: Essential KPIs for the Staffing Industry – Part II

Staffing Industry KPIs

KPIs can show that an initiative is working well, that it needs adjustment, or even that it should be abandoned. Like any data point, a KPI must be properly interpreted, either alone or with other KPIs, to influence a course of action.

Decoding Success: Top KPIs in the Staffing Industry – Part I

Key Performance Indicator

KPIs can show that an initiative is working well, that it needs adjustment, or even that it should be abandoned. Like any data point, a KPI must be properly interpreted, either alone or with other KPIs, to influence a course of action.

Transform Your Bullhorn Career Portal through Expert Customization

Bullhorn Career Portal

In today’s competitive job market, it’s crucial to provide candidates with an engaging, seamless, branded experience from the very first interaction. See how easy it is to customize your Bullhorn Career Portal, creating a cohesive platform for your job openings — and add functionality, too!

Exploring the Exciting Updates of Kanban for Bullhorn | Version 2023.6

2023.6 Version Update Kanban

There are 4 critical action steps you can take to provide clarity of purpose and direction, reduce confusion or resistance, and ensure the RIGHT message is being delivered to the RIGHT audience every time.

Get the Whole Story on Fractional Chief Technology Officers

Get the Whole Story on Fractional Chief Technology Officers

There are 4 critical action steps you can take to provide clarity of purpose and direction, reduce confusion or resistance, and ensure the RIGHT message is being delivered to the RIGHT audience every time.

Automating Master Data Management With Artificial Intelligence

Automating Master Data Management With Artificial Intelligence

There are 4 critical action steps you can take to provide clarity of purpose and direction, reduce confusion or resistance, and ensure the RIGHT message is being delivered to the RIGHT audience every time.

Using AI to Improve Your Staffing Operation

Using AI to Improve Your Staffing Operation Artificial intelligence can be a natural fit for your firm.

There are 4 critical action steps you can take to provide clarity of purpose and direction, reduce confusion or resistance, and ensure the RIGHT message is being delivered to the RIGHT audience every time.

Newbury Partners Recruiter Kanban Update | Version 2023.5

Newbury Partners | Kanban for Bullhorn Screenshot

There are 4 critical action steps you can take to provide clarity of purpose and direction, reduce confusion or resistance, and ensure the RIGHT message is being delivered to the RIGHT audience every time.

Introduction To Master Data Management

Master Data Management

There are 4 critical action steps you can take to provide clarity of purpose and direction, reduce confusion or resistance, and ensure the RIGHT message is being delivered to the RIGHT audience every time.

The Four Critical Steps for Effective Change Communication

Effective Change Communication

There are 4 critical action steps you can take to provide clarity of purpose and direction, reduce confusion or resistance, and ensure the RIGHT message is being delivered to the RIGHT audience every time.

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