Tag Archives: Staffing

Building a Change-Ready Organization: The Importance of a Clear Strategy

Before embarking on any new change initiative (whether a small “tweak” or a big shift), it’s vital to have a clear and well-defined strategy.


Every THRIVE event features powerful and inspiring presenters from throughout the staffing industry, who will share lessons learned and effective growth strategies that have propelled their careers and positioned them […]

Empower Your Workflow | The Benefits of Digital Timesheet Management

Digitize your Timesheet

Even as we operate in the most technologically advanced workforce, manual timesheet processing still represents a norm for far too many in the staffing pay / bill process. While familiar, this often leads to significant administrative burdens, downstream errors, and delays in payroll and billing. The shift toward a digitized, self-service model for timesheet management offers numerous benefits that can address these challenges and improve overall operational efficiency.

Exploring the Exciting Updates of Recruiter Kanban | Version 2024.4

2023.6 Version Update Kanban

There are 4 critical action steps you can take to provide clarity of purpose and direction, reduce confusion or resistance, and ensure the RIGHT message is being delivered to the RIGHT audience every time.

Navigating the Path from Surviving to Thriving for Your Organization

Navigating the Path from Survival to Thriving for Your Organization

Change is inevitable in all aspects of life. And your company is no exception. Whether it’s an organization-wide digital transformation, an operational restructuring, or a small shift in process, change is happening.

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