Exploring the Exciting Updates of Recruiter Kanban | Version 2024.7

2023.6 Version Update Kanban

August 28, 2024 | We are thrilled to introduce the latest update to our Recruiter Kanban platform, bringing you new features, important fixes, and a sneak peek into our roadmap for the future. Let’s take a closer look at what this release has to offer:

Recruiter Kanban Updates

New Features

  • Date Filtering
    • Our date filtering system has been upgraded to support date range selections. If you have favorite boards using date filters, you’ll need to update the filter criteria to reflect this new capability. (Note: To filter by a single day, simply select the same date twice in the calendar).
  • Total Jobs Count
    • When filtering for jobs, Kanban will now display the total number of jobs matching the search criteria.
  • Multi Select Functionality
    • We’ve added the ability to select multiple values when filtering on specific fields like Skills or Recruiters. You no longer need to reopen the filter menu for each selection.
  • Wildcard Searching
    • Job titles can now be searched using a wildcard. For example, to search for all jobs with “Manager” or “Management” in the title, simply enter Manag*, and all relevant results will appear.


  • Company Default Favorite
    • We fixed a bug that affected the “Favorite” board designated as a default company-wide board. This feature now works consistently across all users.
  • Load More Fixed
    • We resolved an issue where the Load More button would accidentally clear filters. Now, you can confidently load more jobs without losing your search criteria.
  • Locale Settings
    • Date formats have been aligned with the Bullhorn Locale settings to ensure consistency for all users. 
  • No Data Functionality Repaired
    • If no results are found when applying filters, a clear “No Data Found” message will appear, ensuring users know when no results match their search.


  • “Submitted by” Recruiter to be Added to Candidate Card
    • Soon, we will be adding the Submitted By user under the candidate’s name on Candidate Cards. This will make it easier to see who submitted a candidate without expanding the card.
  • Additional Configuration
    • We are working on adding the ability to select which job fields can or cannot be updated directly from the Job Ribbon.
  • Opportunity Kanban Upgrades
    • Several upgrades are coming to the Opportunity Kanban, including a new refresh button and expanded filter capabilities.

With this release, we continue to strive for excellence in providing a user-friendly and efficient platform for all your recruiting needs. Stay tuned for more updates as we work towards making your recruitment processes even smoother and more effective.


For any questions or assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team at support@newburypartners.com.

Ready to enhance your workflow with Kanban for Bullhorn? Get started today by reaching out to our sales team at sales@newburypartners.com.

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